Export Compliance Programs
Developing a comprehensive, effective export compliance program is an important requirement for any company involved with U.S. controlled product or technical data.
An effective export compliance program consists of the following:
Export Control Systems Including Policies and Procedures and Technology Control Plans
- Policies and Procedures (P&P)- The export P&P primarily contains controls over sales/shipment of product, technical data, including internal qualification of ITAR/EAR technical data, and shipment/transfer rights/requirements for decision making.
- Technology Control Plan (TCP)- The TCP is used to control Foreign National Visitors/Employees’ access to controlled technical data/products.
Export Licensing and Documentation Systems
- All export involved parties should be trained regularly on the laws and regulations associated with export transactions. Wilmarth & Associates offers in house training and online webinar training.
- An export compliance audit is a comprehensive and efficient way to ensure that a company’s internal controls are sufficient and correct. Wilmarth & Associate’s audits identify limitations and vulnerabilities that exist within your current system and provide processes to solve those limitations.
Implementation of Export Compliance Programs
As you can see, the implementation of a successful Export Compliance Program depends on many factors. Our consultants will help you understand, execute, and manage a comprehensive compliance program that positions your company for success.
- You’ll get an experienced export consultant working directly with you during the drafting and implementation process.
- Our experts are knowledgeable in all aspects of export compliance. This saves you from having to decipher regulatory jargon yourself.
- Avoid costly and time-consuming disclosures by ensuring your company’s compliance to U.S. export laws and regulations.